Pasifika Stories

Tino e Tasi Preschool


  • Swipe-to-Read™
  • Touch-to-Hear™
  • Touch-to-Spell™
  • Record your narration
  • Multiple languages

A collection of short stories written, illustrated and told by our tamaiti (children) for tamaiti.

Be captivated by the sweet voices of our Pasifika tamaiti who share magical stories of their imagination. Choose your immersion experience in Samoan, Tongan or English, and be taken on a cultural journey.

This is a great interactive language resource for any beginning language learner, or education environment. Practice alongside our tamaiti, hear each word individually, or break down the sounds phonetically. There is fun to be had with this simple, child friendly app as they immerse themselves with interactive stories in their chosen language.

Pasifika Stories are the second generation of Pasifika Language apps brought to you by the tamaiti of Tino e Tasi Preschool.

Other Mahi



Ihi is an educational resource produced by ProCare to improve cultural confidence about Te Ao Māori concepts.

Speak Pacific

Center For Pacific Languages

Speak Pacific is an educational resource designed to provide a brief introduction to Pacific language and culture.

Aho Wahine: Hinenuitepō


This is the story of Hinenuitepō, the goddess of the underworld, part of the Aho Wahine series of graphic novella that reimagine the traditional stories of Aotearoa from the point of view of the female characters.

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