
Tagged Projects: Māori

Aho Wahine: Papatūānuku

This is the story of Papatūānuku, the Earth Mother, part of the Aho Wahine series of graphic novella that reimagine the traditional stories of Aotearoa from the point of view of the female characters.

Aho Wahine: Hinenuitepō

This is the story of Hinenuitepō, the goddess of the underworld, part of the Aho Wahine series of graphic novella that reimagine the traditional stories of Aotearoa from the point of view of the female characters.

Aho Wahine: Mahuika

This is the story of Mahuika, the goddess of fire, part of the Aho Wahine series of graphic novella that reimagine the traditional stories of Aotearoa from the point of view of the female characters.

Aho Wahine: Hineahuone

This is the story of Hineahuone, the first earth formed woman, part of the Aho Wahine series of graphic novella that reimagine the traditional stories of Aotearoa from the point of view of the female characters.

Mythical Creatures: Eru & Gwaai

This tri-lingual immersive app is a creative interpretation of stories told by indigenous peoples of Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand.

E heke e Heka!

Empower rangatahi (young people) and community with knowledge about myrtle rust.

Ngāti Whatua Kapa Haka

Welcome to the first ever iwi kapa haka app. Learn Ngati Whatua waiata and haka right here, this is paradise for the remote haka learner!

Te Puna Hāpai

Te Puna Hāpai is an educational resource for Toitū Te Whenua Land Information NZ staff to learn about basic Tikanga and te reo Māori to support their day-to-day mahi (work) and their engagement with Māori.

Tātai Whetu

Our app is designed to help you learn at your own pace, guiding you through the structure of formal and informal hui with short interactive tutorials.

He Pūrerehua

He Purerehua is designed to support Akoranga and other learning opportunities. Its accessibility will lend itself as a supporting mechanism in many environments including times of urgent reflection and times allocated to personal growth.

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