Speak Pacific

Center For Pacific Languages


Speak Pacific is an educational resource designed to provide a brief introduction to Pacific language and culture.

The App introduced you to seven Pacific languages,
- Fӓeag Rotuḁm (Rotuman language)
- Gagana Samoa (Samoan language)
- Gagana Tokelau (Tokelauan language)
- Lea Faka-Tonga (Tongan language).
- Te Reo Māori Kūki ‘Airani (Cook Islands Māori Language)
- Vosa vaka-Viti (Fijian Language)
- Vagahau Niue (Niue Language)

Recognising that language and culture are intricately interwoven, for each of the languages included are:
– An introduction video to the language and cultural context
– The Lord’s Prayer
– Greetings
– Pronunciation
– Activities to share new words and phrases
– A customisable introduction to practise and share.

Please enjoy this brief introduction to the languages of the Pacific and share what you have learnt with work colleagues, family and friends.

We hope you then go on to register for a full course where we will introduce you to concepts of prayer, surroundings, life events, and ceremonies, as well as how to pronounce vowels and common phrases.

All the best as you embark on your learning journey .

Other Mahi

Āke Āke

Waitematā District Health Board and Auckland District Health Board

Pronunciation of te reo Māori, cultural protocol and waiata are the main focus of this new mobile app, Āke Āke, launched by Waitematā and Auckland District Health Boards.

Fakaako e Vagahau Niue

Vagahau Niue Trust and Takatakai Moana and funded by the Pacific Education Innovation Fund

Fakaako e Vagahau Niue is a learning resource for Vagahau Niue, the Niue language.



Welcome to Kōra MBIE’s Māori Cultural Intelligence app. We’ve created this app to help you begin your journey to learn some important aspects of te reo Māori me ōna tikanga.

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