Pari Kawau

Te Rau Ora


We are thrilled to introduce the newly launched Pari Kawau app.

Pari Kawau is an interactive tool created to support the Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti brief and early intervention model; and practitioners and students seeking to enhance the development of their clinical and cultural practice skills.

Practitioners receive personalised feedback through email from observers, providing helpful insights into their sessions and identifying areas where they can improve.

Developed by Te Rau Ora, this App is compatible with both Android and iPhone devices and available for free download from App Stores. Watch this introductory video to learn more.

“The Pari Kawau app empowers practitioners, helping them develop culturally sensitive care. By integrating Māori principles and offering real-time skill evaluation, the App supports practitioners in improving their skills and providing better care to individuals and communities, respectful of cultural values.”
Dr Andre Maclachlan, Clinical Psychologist

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Let's make things happen

Get in touch today for a free consultation to see what Kiwa can do for you and your people.