Tuia Te Ao

Spark NZ


Tuia te ao is an educational resource for Spark New Zealand staff to learn basic Māori language and protocol to support their day to day mahi (work).

Interactive features within the app include pronunciation of Māori words, maps with Māori names and iwi groups, values and principles, mihimihi/pepeha (introductions), ngā mihi (greetings), poroporoaki (farewells), whakataukī (proverbs), and waiata (songs).

One of the app’s key features is that it allows Spark staff to input their own personal information to create a customised pepeha.

Spark staff will find this resource particularly helpful when leading, or being part of discussions that involve the local Māori community.

Other Mahi

Kia Mārama


Tēnā koe! Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome to our Māori cultural app, Kia Mārama.

Whakamanawatia Ngā Mokopuna

Hāpai Te Hauora

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Sāmoa Capital Radio

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Let's make things happen

Get in touch today for a free consultation to see what Kiwa can do for you and your people.