
Tātaki Auckland Unlimited


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  • Touch-to-Hear™
  • Touch-to-Spell™
  • Record your narration

Welcome to Taki, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s go-to resource for te reo and tikanga Māori.

Taki has been designed to support your haerenga (journey) in learning about
Māori culture and to build your confidence in engaging with Māori.

Understanding te ao Māori is essential to valuing the essence of Māori. The Māori world view is anchored in holistic philosophy and beliefs, where everything and everyone is connected. These connections extend over generations from atua (ancestral guardians) through to the natural environment and people.

Foundations of Māori Cultural Values:
Knowledge, Practice, and Transmission

Māori cultural values and perspectives are supported by a body of highly specialised knowledge and
practice developed and transferred over many generations through kōrero (conversations), waiata
(songs), karakia (ritual chants and blessings), tikanga (customary practice) and whakapapa (genealogy).

“Kia ako koutou i raro i te korowai o te maungārongo me te māramatanga.”

“May you learn under the cloak of
peace and understanding.”

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited

Other Mahi

Tīaho Mai

Ministry of Defence

Welcome to Tīaho Mai, the Ministry of Defence’s Māori Cultural Intelligence App.

Mahi Pai – Uenuku

Mahi Pai

Embark on a magical journey where tamariki learn Te Reo Māori and discover the vibrant colors of Uenuku (the rainbow) with their enchanting ngā taniwha and friends.

He Pūrerehua


He Purerehua is designed to support Akoranga and other learning opportunities. Its accessibility will lend itself as a supporting mechanism in many environments including times of urgent reflection and times allocated to personal growth.

Let's make things happen

Get in touch today for a free consultation to see what Kiwa can do for you and your people.