Tātai Whetu

Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network


  • Swipe-to-Read™
  • Touch-to-Hear™
  • Touch-to-Spell™
  • Record your narration

Our app is designed to help you learn at your own pace, guiding you through the structure of formal and informal hui with short interactive tutorials.

Tātai Whetū, a metaphor for the bright stars or cluster of knowledge contained in this tikanga app, gives you an overview of the tikanga to use in different contexts from a formal pōwhiri to a one-on-one meeting with a patient or whānau.

Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network is a collective organisation advocating for the health and wellbeing of rural communities.

Other Mahi

Kawe Kōrero

Waikato Regional Council

Kawe Kōrero is a free to use Māori language app developed by Te reo and tikanga experts

Fakaako e Vagahau Niue

Vagahau Niue Trust and Takatakai Moana and funded by the Pacific Education Innovation Fund

Fakaako e Vagahau Niue is a learning resource for Vagahau Niue, the Niue language.

Ma’ua Books, Learning through Bathtime

Authors Deborah and Oka Sanerivi. Illustrated by Chad Robertson

In collaboration with Ma’au Books, this app is designed for families to learn basic Samoan, Tongan and Fijian language through bath time.

Let's make things happen

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