Āke Āke

Waitematā District Health Board and Auckland District Health Board


  • Swipe-to-Read™
  • Touch-to-Hear™
  • Touch-to-Spell™
  • Record your narration
  • Multiple languages

Kia ora! Nau mai, haere mai ki Āke Āke.

Pronunciation of te reo Māori, cultural protocol and waiata are the main focus of this new mobile app, Āke Āke, launched by Waitematā and Auckland District Health Boards.

Āke Āke took a year to develop and includes an interactive user-friendly guide to Māori customs and traditions.

Āke Āke enables users to understand the pōwhiri process, get to know the layout of a marae and learn the meaning behind well-known waiata. The app also includes an easy-to-use audio feature to help people with their pronunciation.

Āke Āke gives users the ability to write their own mihi, a formal introduction in te reo Māori, by entering their details.

Chief Advisor of Tikanga at Waitematā and Auckland DHBs, Dame Rangimarie Naida Glavish, says Āke Āke was born out of a desire to raise cultural awareness among healthcare staff:

“Throughout the app, you will notice a theme highlighting an inherent sense of manaakitanga (caring) within te Ao Māori (the Māori world) that intertwines nicely with the culture of healthcare. This app helps us support staff by enhancing that desire to manaaki (care for) and work effectively with all people, including Māori. “Āke Āke will help us become better-connected with Māori and work to improve health outcomes for this community.”

  • UPDATE: now includes language puzzles incorporating Te tinana kupu, workplace kopu, images on your pepeha and new karakia.

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