Te Pikitanga


  • Swipe-to-Read™
  • Touch-to-Hear™
  • Touch-to-Spell™
  • Record your narration

Tēnā koe! Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Pikitanga.

Welcome to Te Pikitanga – a Māori cultural resource for staff, whānau and friends of Te Komihana Tauhokohoko (The Commerce Commission).

It is designed to support our commitment to increasing our cultural capability, which is framed by our Rautaki Māori (Māori strategy).

You can use Te Pikitanga to learn and understand more about our shared cultural heritage in Aotearoa. It provides basic information on te reo Māori (the Māori language), tikanga Māori (customs), mihimihi (introductions), waiata (songs) and whakataukī (proverbs).

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Get in touch today for a free consultation to see what Kiwa can do for you and your people.