Tīaho Mai

Ministry of Defence


  • Swipe-to-Read™
  • Touch-to-Hear™
  • Touch-to-Spell™
  • Record your narration
  • Multiple languages

Kia ora! Nau mai, haere mai ki a Tīaho Mai. Welcome to Tīaho Mai, the Ministry of Defence’s Māori Cultural Intelligence App.

We’ve created this app to help shine a light on your learning journey. We’ve included information on te reo Māori (the Māori language), tikanga (customs), whakataukī (proverbs) and waiata (songs) to help you understand more about our unique and shared cultural heritage. This app will assist you to build your confidence, knowledge and capability to work effectively with Māori in your role here at the Ministry of Defence. Kia ora!

Other Mahi

Kia Mārama


Tēnā koe! Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome to our Māori cultural app, Kia Mārama.

Aho Wahine: Hineahuone


This is the story of Hineahuone, the first earth formed woman, part of the Aho Wahine series of graphic novella that reimagine the traditional stories of Aotearoa from the point of view of the female characters.

Te Kete o te Tara

Hauraki District Council

We’ve created this app to be an effective kete (resource) for you as you begin your journey to learn some important aspects of Te Ao Māori, under the mantle of the Councils located within the traditional Māori rohe known as Te Tara o te Ika a Māui.

Let's make things happen

Get in touch today for a free consultation to see what Kiwa can do for you and your people.